Fintan O’Regan Talk - support for neurodiverse children

Thursday 3rd November

Every child is an individual and at Westbourne House we encourage all our pupils to embrace their differences, strengths and weaknesses because that’s what makes them special.

Neurodiversity and how every human brain thinks differently is a huge subject for discussion currently which is why we are delighted to announce that Fintan O’Regan, a behavioural and learning specialist with a particular focus on behaviour support for neurodiverse children, is coming to Westbourne House to talk to our parents and all those interested in neurodiversity at 8.30am on Thursday 3rd November 2022.

Building on our Westbourne theme of shaping the magic of each child, Mr O’Regan recently visited our school and wowed our teaching staff with his depth of knowledge and experience alongside his strategies for ensuring that every child in the classroom thrives no matter what their learning differences.

Everyone is welcome: if your children are at Westbourne House you don't need to register - everyone else please email Mrs Barbara Langford, Deputy Head Academic -

No duckling left behind
No duckling left behind