Westbourne Awards

Westbourne Awards are an exciting combination of fun adventure and a significant challenge, encouraging personal development and new skills.

Outdoor education trips are an important part of school life. Our Westbourne Awards are a sequence of expeditions that start small and grow as the children grow. As well as being great fun, the trips give the children the chance to explore their strengths, to find new ways of working together and see the power of fantastic teamwork.

Westbourne Award Introduction: In Year 3, the children spend the day at the setting of their Year 4 Westbourne Award and take part in two adventure challenges. They use a variety of skills including listening, cooperating, working together, patience, trust and problem solving.

team building

Bronze Westbourne Award: As they move into Year 4, the children go to the New Forest on their first residential of two nights and three days. For the kids, it feels like jam-packed fun with adventure activities galore that push them, build confidence and encourage teamwork. 

Silver Westbourne Award: Our Year 5s visit the Isle of Wight for exciting challenges such as making shelters in bush craft, soaring through the sky on a zip line, facing their fears in the leap of faith, demonstrating great speed, agility and team work on the obstacle course. 


Gold Westbourne Award: Year 6 paddle the River Wye and camp out under the stars.

Celebration Westbourne Award: Year 8’s hard work is rewarded with the opportunity to sail, cycle in a velodrome and indoor skiing at Calshot Castle, near Southampton. The emphasis is on exciting challenges and making memories that last a lifetime.


See more articles about our fantastic Westbourne Awards.