Nursery children are familiar with the Pre-Prep; it is next door to us and we visit quite often for special events such as celebration assemblies. Pre-Prep and nursery children also have lunch together every day.
Reception teachers spend time in the nursery regularly, including our music specialist Mrs Lewis, who leads a music session every week.
As Reception children swim every week, we introduce swimming in the summer term for the children who will soon be moving up.
We weave phonics and letters, shapes and numbers into all the creative activities we organise, and our nursery leavers are confident learners. They are also familiar with the phonics approach, which is the basis of our literacy programme Read Write Inc., as all our teachers, including those in the nursery, have been
trained and are experienced practitioners.
It is a seamless transition; children run into school on their first day full of confidence and with a big smile on their face.