Around the world

Air stewardess, Mme Bennison, greeted Year 4, checked their passports and told them to fasten their seatbelts because they were heading off an almighty adventure around the world! They would experience the food, culture and language of three countries: Mexico, Cote d’Ivoire and Germany.

Unbeknown to the Year 4s, the Year 5s had been working hard to prepare cultural experiences and activities for their younger peers. They had leant national dances, songs, party games, phrases, flora and fauna, flags and more that centred on their country.

It was such a treat for Year 4 to be greeted by colourful characters and to be taken through some fabulous activities. Throughout, you could see how much everyone – both year groups - were enjoying it.

Mrs Pollock, Head of Years 5 & 6, explained: “Our Round The World event aims were three-fold. Firstly, it was hugely interesting for Year 5, who so enjoyed preparing the three international experiences. Secondly, the experiences took place in the languages rooms and it was a great opportunity for Year 4 to see some of next year’s classrooms and spend time with next year’s teachers. It will definitely help them to feel more at home at the start of next year. Thirdly, Years 5 & 6 form a cohort within the school and so it was a great chance for the children to make some new friends. The Year 5 children were brilliant role models.”