Head of English, Alice Fisher, masterminded Book Week with her team. She said: “We extended our celebrations for World Book Day for the whole week here at Westbourne House School, to reflect how important we believe reading and stories to be.
“We focused on how stories can transport us; through reading our imaginations can take us to visit different places and empathise with different lives. From our armchairs, we can travel to fantasy realms; go back in time to experience the things our ancestors did or forwards to the future where we can consider how we might shape our world.
“Throughout the week our students drew scenes to which their reading has transported them, which we displayed on a bespoke painted map of the world. We also ran a ‘shelfie’ competition where students used their reading detective skills to match the bookshelf to the teacher. Every break time saw a different teacher from across the school read their favourite short story to pupils by the fire, and on the Wednesday the whole school was read ‘I believe in Unicorns’ a short story by Michael Morpurgo about the power and importance of imagination. They heard it in three instalments at the beginning of each lesson.
“We hope that our pupils have been inspired and excited by the myriad tales told this week, and that they will continue to celebrate reading every day of the year,” she added.