Buzzing Nursery news

Learning about bees

The Nursery always has a buzz about it – but never more so than when the children are learning about bees!

So what have the children been buzzing around doing?  They have learnt that honey is made from nectar and how to make Honey Cornflake Cakes, which was a VERY sticky activity, but great fun. 

The children practised how to trace over an outline in paint and print a bumble bee. The activity was very popular; the children kept buzzing back to paint and print more until there was a whole colony of bees in the Nursery!

Music Making

The children thoroughly enjoyed making noises and tunes on the violin and ukulele, along with the more traditional nursery instruments like the maracas and bells. One day, we are sure, this Nursery clan will be just like the children in the Prep School and Pre-Prep playing all sorts of instruments!

The Nursery is lucky to have Mrs Waugh, who plays her ukulele and violin and sings regularly with the children. It’s the loveliest thing and the Nursery is definitely filled with the sound of music.

Forest School

Connection to nature and the environment are key to the children's development in the Early Years and the children spend the majority of their time in the beautiful grounds, including twice-weekly visits to Forest School.  Here they are enjoying dens in the woods, and trying to spot birds with binoculars.