Celebrating National Poetry Day

We dedicated yesterday to sharing and thinking about poetry in celebration of National Poetry Day.

Children shared poetry in lesson time and in our special assembly nine children selected from across the school and several staff were asked to pick and read their favourite poems.  This included Juliette F and Phoebe P reading Spike Milligan's Silly Old Baboon, a favourite of Juliette's because her father loves reading it to her. They also watched Poetry Jump Up by John Agard projected onto the big screen in our Millennium Hall.

Pippa Sutcliffe, Head of English, spoke to the children about poetry, why she enjoys it and encouraged everyone to swap a favourite poem with a friend or family member.

She also reminded everyone that;

Poems are often not straightforward, however, that is the attraction of reading a poem. It forces you to question and think.  Often when we study the words and ideas of a poem we become engaged and actually start asking questions, thinking about the different ideas, language and techniques used to create the effects on us the reader.

Pippa Sutcliffe

Later on, Daisy Doherty, Troop Leader and Polly Bigham, Patrol Leader, read Cakes, Anon, in the staffroom much to the amusement of the staff!

Pippa Sutcliffe recommends this for budding poetry readers: when you have a quiet time, a moment all to yourself, instead of reaching for the remote or iPad, find a poem and a place you love to sit or lie. Try to make sure that there is no noise and read the poem.  Maybe even learn it.  Exercise your eyes, brain and relax.