We are proud of the way in which the Year 8s have managed these last few months. They adapted impressively to online learning and were engaged, demonstrating so much resilience and positivity. The unexpected closure of the school was extremely hard on all years, but particularly Year 8, who were denied the special and fitting culmination of their years at Westbourne House and of their hard work. There are also many longed-for events that they have missed out on such as their trip to Dartmoor and their Year 8 production.
We didn't want Year 8 to leave with out letting them know how fantastic and important they are to the school. So whilst whole year group gatherings were not possible, we created:
- a virtual drinks party, which included speeches from our Troop Leaders (head boys and girls), performances and 'breakout rooms' for kids and adults
- a week of outdoor events called The Gr8 Adventure, which encouraged pupils to take on fun challenges away from their computers with friends
- 'The Year 8 Show - A Celebration of the Individual', for which each Year 8 leaver created a mini film that celebrated their personality and interests (example below). After sharing their film, each pupil heard a tribute about themselves, written by another pupil anonymously, which explored fun memories and their qualities. It was a very special and unique night for Year 8
- Visits in 'bubbles', which saw the Year 8s returning for a game of football rounders, some much-needed catching up. They returned to walk the lake as well meeting up with Headmaster Mr Barker for a final farewell.
- Year 8 Prize Giving: as a year group, Year 8 have been extraordinary: resilient, inventive, creative, thoughtful and inspiring. All of this was brought to the fore at the Year 8 prize giving as we heard teachers giving heartfelt accolades to all our Year 8 pupils for their contributions to various spheres of school life.
As Troop Leader Juliette suggested in her speech, we do have high hopes for the future of the leaving class of 2020. Have a wonderful summer, make the most of your next chapter at senior school, and we hope to see you again soon.