Chapel Choir stun in Paris!

Our Prep School music department took Chapel Choir to Paris for concerts and sightseeing

The Choir, currently numbering forty-three children, were privileged to give concerts at three prestigious venues - the Eglise de la Madeleine and Eglise Saint-Sulpice and Beauvais Cathedral, to appreciative audiences of several hundred people.

"The children sang a repertoire ranging from Handel to Rutter and enjoyed the experience of filling these huge venues with sound! The Eglise de la Madeleine and Eglise Saint-Sulpice , in the centre of Paris, are famous for their rich musical history, whilst the scale and beauty of Beauvais Cathedral is simply awe-inspiring."

Direct of Music, Mr Dichmont

It wasn’t all work and no play for our Chapel Choir in Paris. Amongst the rehearsals and concerts, the children also enjoyed viewing the Eiffel Tower (from the ground, sadly, as it was closed due to strikes), climbing the Arc du Triomphe for an equally spectacular view, taking in the sights on a cruise along the Seine, and making a trip to Parc Asterix for a day of rollercoasters and other exciting rides.

Alongside some all-important shopping time, they also learnt about the extraordinary Pompidou Centre and took a walk to see the progress being made on Notre Dame Cathedral, which is due to re-open later this year. Plentiful re-fuelling stops provided ample opportunity for chatting and playing card games!