The run up to the end of term is festive, fantastic and feelgood! Just as it should be. We thought we should share the fun with parents and our community by posting some photos.
You'll see the Pre-Prep enjoying their Christmas dinner; the juniors meeting Father Christmas (who got them all singing and dancing); Years 5&6 in their masks at their evening Christmas Feast; Years 7 & 8 in their Christmas hats at their Christmas Feast; and Christmas elves loading up the minibus to take clothes, games and books, generously donated by pupils and parents, to our neighbouring schools who were overwhelmed by our help. We couldn't take photos of everything sadly but we do hope you enjoy these!
The final assembly was an emotional occasion. After the awards had been presented, the noise crept up a notch as we started the big reveal of which patrol came out top during the term - a nail-biting and high-energy count up of points. As you will see, the Otters and Panthers came joint first!
This was followed by a fabulous and funny video from our Gappers, who are leaving us to return to Australia. Thank you to Jim and Ella for a brilliant film and we wish you all the best.
Finally it was time to say a heartfelt goodbye to the wonderful Andersons - Jonathon and Hester and their children Annabel and William. This involved two special speeches and a contrasting juxtaposition of a humorous version of Jingle Bells (Anderson style) and an Irish Blessing by Bob Chilcott sung beautifully by the Chapel Choir. We will miss them.