Henry Dallal
Henry Dallal talked Year 2 - 8 through his incredible, compelling photography, each photo either telling a fascinating story, opening pupils' eyes to the diverse people and lives lived throughout the world, or simply capturing the audience with composition, colour or scale. We saw breath-taking giant landscapes, climbs and mountains, travels with nomads, travel across continents, majestic horses, pageantry and portraits of world leaders at UN climate change negotiations and of Her Majesty the Queen.
He encouraged pupils to make the most of the journey towards their goals and not to be guided by ego. He reminded them that the journey can be rewarding in itself, even if they don’t reach their intended goal.
His photos certainly did tell some incredible stories and he encouraged pupils to do the same with their photos. He recommended they pick up a camera – doesn't matter which kind – and look for the story or the visually interesting, choose different and new angles and look for ways to create a sense of perspective.
“I really loved the talk. My favourite photo was where he lay under the circle of horses and I also liked the dark mountain with the light shining on the river."
Year 3 pupil
Mr Dallal kindly shared a few photos with us in the gallery below. Read more about Henry Dallal on his website.
Clare Balding
Our Prep School pupils had an amazing talk from Clare Balding, the bestselling author, award-winning TV presenter and broadcaster of the Olympic and Paralympic Games, Wimbledon and Crufts. She has written a children’s book called Fall Off Get Back On Keep Going to help children understand it’s okay to get it wrong sometimes because you learn from your mistakes and bounce back more confident, happier in yourself and resilient enough to tackle whatever comes your way.
The book explores ten character traits: Resilience, Patience, Confidence, Courage, Flexibility, Creativity, Speaking Out, Motivation, Kindness and Keeping Going
"Clare Balding is such an inspiration; it was a real treat to hear her talk so frankly about mistakes and so insightfully about the power of resilience. Her talk was full of wisdom and it is clear to see the benefits of such a mindset. Two of my favourite quotations from the talk include “courage is a muscle” and the wonderful advice she would give to her twelve-year-old self “Stop worrying about fitting in and start being the person you would like to be friends with.”
Alice Fisher, Head of English
Thank you to Clare Balding and to our local independent bookshop - The Hayling Island Bookshop.