Colour run for charities

Our first ever colour run went down an absolute storm... a colourful storm on the sunniest of days! There was so much laughter and multicoloured smiles from ear to ear as our awesome runners became less and less recognisable around the track.

This rainbow-tastic charity event was a celebration of our community of children, teachers and families, of our momentous anniversary of 30 years of coeducation, and importantly our much appreciated sense of togetherness.

Mrs Barker Head of our Charity Committee said: “Thank you to everyone who supported the colour run - the happiest crosscounty event in Westbourne House history! Lots of smiling faces not least from the colour throwers who showed no mercy! Once again the WHS community has come together to have fun and raise much-needed funds for our charities. Thank you!”

Thank you so much to Mrs Barker and our wonderful school charity committee for such a colourful event.