Cricket Centenary Trophy

A long standing game between the old cricket rivals - Westbourne House School and Highfield & Brookham

The Highfield cricket fixture is one we always look forward to with every team playing either here or at Highfield.

At the upper end of the school, there were two fantastic Centenary trophies to play for. The games were, as ever, tight, with competitive juices flowing and excitement in the air.

Mr Pitman, 1XI girls' team coach, said: "We retained the Centenary Trophy for the girls with a really good performance. The game was not a walkover and Highfield had some particularly strong players. We bowled well but Highfield still managed to grind out a useful total. The game had everything to challenge a team and the girls managed their performance collectively. From deciding on the batting line up and bowling plan of attack to setting fields, they were well prepared.

"The Met Office gave us about an hour to make the required runs before deluge. I was proud of the way, as a team, the girls resolved to try and beat the weather with a positive attempt to knock the runs off. The risk was that an attack such as this could have caused the tumbling of wickets. I had my eye on the Met Office radar on my phone and the required run rate on my iPad. Both progressed and at an alarmingly similar rate but Saffy scored her impressive boundary to win the game JUST in the nick of time!"

1XI boys team coach, Mr Geffen, said: "This Highfield fixture is always a big game and this was no different. We started well with good, accurate bowling but then, we were a little wayward at times.

"We managed to keep the opposition to a very chaseable target of 119, but we struggled to adapt to the weather conditions. Although there was some resilient batting at times, it looked like we were going to fall short until the weather saved us.

"So, it was Highfield therefore, as last year's winners, who took the boys' trophy home!"

Well done, to all the cricketers and thanks to the sports teams from both schools for making such a brilliant and competitive block fixture happen in spite of the weather!

G1XI cricket