Devised theatre with Year 6

Devised theatre performed by Year 6 – absolutely brilliant! This type of theatre provides total freedom for the actors to enjoy telling a story that they have invented themselves and Year 6 devised some outlandish plots, brilliant lines and performed with energy.

A complex set of skills is needed to collectively create a play: deciding on props, music and devising storylines and lines, all as an ensemble.

Mr Cousens said: “Year 6 brought such huge energy to this project and worked extremely well in their teams of four. They created dramatic plot twists and exciting adventure tales. The skills they have picked up during the process will have moved them all along on their drama journey, building confidence to share ideas, to be creative, work well as a team and to perform and improvise.

“In GCSE Drama, the art of devising is assessed more than any other practical or written element in the course, purely because of the enormous package of transferable skills it helps to develop. To be given some practice from a young age in this fun and creative art is useful preparation. I was delighted to speak recently to an Old Westbournian, after the OW Hockey Tournament, and she was thrilled to tell me all about her elaborate devised GCSE pieces and the friends she has made in preparing for them.”

“Last night’s young and excited actors told their stories and bounced off each other’s vicarious energy in the heat of the moment to transport you into their world.