Ducklings and children swim at Nursery!

Our Nursery children took to their summer term swimming lessons like ducks to water... 

Not only are the swimming lessons super fun, they also are great preparation for their move to Reception after the summer holidays. All pupils in Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 swim weekly all year.

Nursery swimming lessons
Nursery swimming lessons
Nursery swimming lessons
Nursery swimming lessons
Nursery swimming lessons

Now that they were experts at going swimming themselves, they were perfectly placed to take the Nursery's ducklings for their first swim!  

The ducklings had hatched quickly after their arrival. Soon the five fluffy ducklings were allowed to venture out to meet the children for the first time. Head of Nursery, Mrs Watson, said: “The children suggested that the ducklings might be a bit frightened or shy. Alongside their excitement, fascination and delight, the children handled the ducklings with great care and were amazing empathetic superheroes.”

A few days later, the nursery ducklings took their first swim and when the ‘swimming lesson’ was over, the children carefully dried the ducklings before putting them back in their home.

The ducklings have now gone back to the farm. Mrs Watson, said: “We were very sad to see the ducklings go, but it has been a wonderful hands-on learning experience for us all.”

ducklings go swimming
feeding the ducklings
feeding the ducklings
Meeting the ducklings
Meeting the ducklings
swimming for the ducklings
Drying the ducklings
meeting the ducklings