Environmental trip to East Head

On a glorious autumn morning, Years 3 and 4 visited East Head to investigate plastic pollution on this beautiful, local beach. 

Years 3 and 4 have been looking at all things environmental this term and at alternatives to plastic. East Head is a interesting venue for a thorough examination of all manner of things, being a Special Site of Scientific Interest. On this occasion, the children carried out a micro plastic survey; they sifted quantities of sand and identified items of plastic buried in it. They also filled a large bucket of plastic which had been dumped over time on the beach. Our discoveries were quite an eye-opener for the children!

We also enjoyed a bracing walk in the dunes, spotting wildlife on the salt marshes and enjoying the sun.

It was a wonderful morning and our thanks to the National Trust for all their help in making this trip such as success.

Y3 at beach
Y3 Boys