Feasts and Creativity

Feasts are undoubtably an absolute favourite in the school calendar and a tradition that goes back over decades and so it was without question that they should be reorganised in year group bubbles and amended to be in line with the Covid-safe rules.

Over two special nights, Christmas elves were spotted delivering delicious food to our pupils in the school dining room. As is the tradition, the children wore with pride their fabulous masks and hats they designed and made themselves. All imagination and construction courtesy of the children!

With Christmas lights aplenty, ‘Feast' time brought out the Christmas jumpers, Wham’s Last Christmas on the loudspeaker and headmaster Mr Barker’s special ‘Heads or Tails’ game.

It was truly lovely to see the Year 5, 6, 7 and 8 children appreciating each other’s handiwork and having an awesome time! Creativity knows no bounds and all our pupils have shown us this term that, in spite of everything, we can make incredible memories and share special moments.

Thanks to all our staff especially our kitchen elves who worked so hard to make this Christmas wish happen!

Our Christmas mask or hat winners were (big round of applause!):

  • Alex M
  • Arlo K
  • Benji P
  • Felix B
  • Martha B
  • Davina P
  • Emily S
  • Marcus B
  • Alex L
  • Annabel D
  • Archie K
  • India M