Our Reception class were asked to think about things that they are grateful for. Being thankful can have a positive impact on our mental health, and as one pupil's parent remarked, this practice felt especially beneficial at the current time. Well done Reception for this thoughtful piece of work and careful writing. Here are some of the people, moments and things they feel thankful for...
- My Grandma reading a book on Zoom
- My teachers (What a lovely way to Thank a Teacher UK)
- My bed
- Food in my tummy
- My family
- My pets
Mrs Lewis said: "This half of term, the children have all engaged fantastically with the activities and lessons on offer. Each week, I have chosen two pieces of work in which the children have demonstrated either the values or attributes associated with High Performance Learning.
- Georgie and Oscar
- Henry and Zoe
- Freddie and James
- Maya and Jack J
"Well done to the following children for their WOWs."