First athletics meet of the season

The annual Westbourne House School girls' athletics meet kicks of the season. Westbourne House hosted five schools, Amesbury, Dorset House, Farlington, Great Ballard and Portsmouth High School.

Miss Pullen, Sports Coach, said: "All the girls tried their best and didn't let the weather dampen their spirits.

"There was tough opposition for the girls. Westbourne won seven track races, including all of the hurdle races! In the field events we won the Year 5 and Year 6 shot put. The school record for the Year 5 shot put was broken by EJ. We also won the Year 8 long jump, high jump, triple jump and javelin. The Year 8 javelin record was broken by Nelly.

Head of Girls' Sport, Mrs Lane, commented: "43 certificates were awarded for 1st-3rd place for the Westbourne House girls. Brilliantly, every athletics event was completed before the rain really set in!

"What a great start to the athletics season"