Inspired in English

English - Year 7

This term pupils spent six weeks studying the fantasy genre. Using extracts from novels as diverse as Harry Potter, The Hobbit and Eragon, pupils analysed aspects of setting, characters and plot.
They then spent three weeks planning, drafting and refining their own fantasy short stories, inspired by these classics and the tropes they had identified.
The children were engaged throughout, using Book Creator to bring their stories to life with not just text but image and design and sound. We are delighted with the results and hope you enjoy reading their work as much as they enjoyed creating it.

For putting in extra effort out side of school working hours, we'd like to highlight Anoushka H's book and Lily B's book. We loved hearing that Lily had read hers to her parents, aunt and uncle.

Read the stories

book creator fantasy short story
book creator fantasy short story
book creator fantasy short story
book creator fantasy short story
book creator fantasy short story

English - Year 8

Composed on International Women's Day in English, this poet reads his palindrome poem first forwards and then in backwards creating two opposing viewpoints - one from history and one from today.

The children all wrote poems in the style of their choice in a 30-minute lesson. This pupil chose to try creating palindrome poem, something his class had studied recently, which shocks us with its view point when read forwards, and had a powerful message when read in reverse.

English - Year 7 and 8 Theatre Trip

We are extremely lucky to have Chichester Festival Theatre on our doorstep and for the second time this term, our pupils experienced the thrill of live theatre. Thursday's visit for Years 7 and 8 was to see Private Peaceful, by Michael Morpurgo, adapted by Simon Reade.

Both year groups studied Private Peaceful and were interested to find out how the book would be adapted to stage. 

Year 7 outside Chichester Festival Theatre

private peaceful work
private peaceful work
private peaceful work