Inter-Patrol Debating fosters team work

Year 7s have been debating on behalf of their patrol. They spent a lesson organising their ideas and the points that they were going to make. Pupils were then scored on the amount of detail in their speeches, how they worked as a team, and how much they took part in the debating discussions. It was a great success and the Year 7s must be complimented on their focus and maturity in the debates.   The topics that they have been debating are:
  • We should embrace modern technology not worry about the problems it could be creating.
  • There is no such thing as ghosts and the supernatural.
  • Every adult should be provided an hour each day within their working day and made to exercise.
  • Marriage is pointless in our society.
  • Graffiti is the vandalism of property not art.
  • Queuing is a total waste of time.
  • Cooking programmes are pointless. All they do is make you hungry.
Inter Patrol Debating
Inter Patrol Debating
Inter Patrol Debating