Inventive stalls at School Fete

It was wonderful to see the whole community working together: parents, children, staff, and even family dogs joined in! Our community's entrepreneurial spirit was clearly on show - there were some absolutely fantastic new ideas out there, alongside the perennial favourites. The speed bowling stall was our most techy, with the small team of boys finding an app that could record bowling speeds—a great idea! You'll see from the pictures it was a huge team effort.

"The array of stalls was mind-boggling—so much creativity and fun. I always love the way the children excitedly grab a table and a cash float, hang up their posters and banners, and start selling! Thank you for making it work for them by bringing pockets full of change. All those coins certainly added up, and we managed to raise an incredible £7000. The raffle was very successful this year, with such fabulous hampers contributing £2400 to that final amount!"

Mrs Barker, Head of Charity Committee

Thank you to everyone who created, donated, sold, and bought for our school charities. It was great to see some Old Westbournians supporting the fete as well.

Our 2023 - 2025 school charities are:

  • Terry’s Place: A local charity that cares for older people in our community and their families.
  • Surfers Against Sewage: Protecting our oceans and beaches.
  • Thembalitsha Foundation: A charity in South Africa that helps marginalized communities in the Western and Eastern Cape.