Life of a Roman Soldier

Dex Sin! Year 3 enjoyed a spectacular afternoon in the hands of Marcus Julius from the Legio Secunda Augusta. To the children's delight he came dressed in full armour and gave an exciting workshop on the life of a Roman soldier. 

"The children handled items of equipment and artefacts as they widened their knowledge of this period of history. They were all captivated and enthralled and during question time a sea of hands shot up."

Mrs Pitman, Year 3 teacher

The children were drilled using Latin commands and military formations. Through the afternoon, they proved that practice really does make perfect.  You could ask your Year 3 child which foot the Roman army always set off on!

Roman soldier or Year 3 child
Roman soldier or Year 3 child
Roman soldier or Year 3 child
artefacts from Roman times
Roman soldier or Year 3 child
Roman soldier or Year 3 child
artefacts from Roman times