For many children in Year 2, the move to Year 3 feels like a big change. Luckily, each Year 3 child buddies up with a Year 2 child in the summer term with the promise of looking after them at the start of the next academic year.
So it was time to meet their buddies! Year 3 popped down to the Pre-Prep playground with a special letter, in which they shared their infectious love of being in Year 3.
Mrs Pitman, Head of Year 3, told the waiting Year 2 children: "These amazingly lovely children will be looking after you in your first week in Year 3. They will show you the playground, they’ll play with you at play time. They’ll take you to Crusts, they will take you to afternoon break, they will play with you after lunch. They will tell you all about the different things happening in the Junior Department. Right now, they are going to come and find you to give you a letter that they’ve been working really hard on and they are going to read it with you."
There were hugs and smiles as they met each other and then each group went off to open and read their letters.