Meta-thinking in Maths

Maths is essentially about problem-solving. Pupils build a toolbox of skills and knowledge over their time at school so they can problem-solve more fluently. Confidence is a key component of this toolbox and Meta-thinking is a key HPL strand to help develop this confidence.

When faced with a problem, pupils need to know how to get started (strategy-planning); they use connected and relevant prior knowledge (meta-cognition); they check their work and make corrections (self-regulation); and finally they explain and justify their answer through clear written workings or verbal explanations (intellectual confidence).

Year 7 are finding missing angles in composite shapes. See how they focus on the journey, not just the destination!

Westbourne House School is a High Performance Learning (HPL) World Class School. Come and meet our Deputy Head - Academic and our teachers at our upcoming Open Morning and learn more about how we teach and which skills and attributes we value - 20 May 2023.