A round-up of news from the music school:
Following hot on the heels of the Wind Band Day, several of our string players ventured to Lancing College to take part in their String Orchestra Day, which featured music composed by the Director of Music at the College, Ian Morgan-Williams. A good day was had by all, and the afternoon concert was of a very high standard.
This half term’s Informal Concert was a varied and enjoyable evening. Some lovely performances came from, among others, Jemima W (viola) playing a Bach Bourrée, Isabelle A (flute) with Take Five by Desmond, and Rumi M (piano) giving a dramatic performance of Carroll’s The Reef.
A big thank you to all who came to the sell-out piano recital given by Alex Dichmont and Richard Allum at Drovers. It was a lovely evening, with nearly £1000 being raised for the forthcoming Chapel Choir tour. Huge thanks to Paul and Suzanne Andrews for hosting the evening.
Next half term is incredibly busy with exams, concerts, productions and carol services. Please refer to the music diary for more information on all these events, but here are a few important dates for your diary:
- 9th November - Families and Friends Concert - 7.00pm
- 16th November - School Concert - 6.30pm
- 2nd December - Advent Service at Boxgrove Priory - 6.30pm
- 7th December - Year 6 Production - 6.30pm
- 12th December - Year 3/4 and Year 5/6 Carol Services - 2.30pm and 3.45pm
- 13th December - Year 7/8 Carol Service at Boxgrove Priory - 6.30pm
A highlight will no doubt be the Families and Friends Concert on the 9th November where, as the name suggests, friends and families get together to perform in front of a friendly and appreciative audience. If you haven’t yet attended this concert, it is a lovely evening. If you are planning to take part this year, please email the music department with details of your item.