Our weekly Performance Platform (music concert) is a brilliant way of practising and performing live music to a friendly and supportive audience.
Each Friday, we get together to listen to singers and instrumentalists from all year groups as they take to the virtual stage. We have also been treated to a couple of video performances from our scholars, who have been working hard putting together programmes for their senior school scholarships. We also enjoyed Mr Berkley playing a bit of George Shearing on the vibraphone.
If you are a member of our community, please do join us at 5pm on Fridays for a fabulous way to start the weekend.
Virtual lessons, ensembles and choirs
Well done to everyone who has continued to practice so hard for their individual music lessons. The Chapel Choir continue to rehearse each week on Zoom in preparation for an end-of-term virtual performance, alongside various other instrumental ensembles.
Pre-Prep Live!
We have also been delighted to continue our Pre-Prep Live sessions, when high-calibre young musicians from the Prep school perform for younger Pre-Prep pupils. The Pre-Prep children really love the opportunity to experience the power of live music and the fact that it is performed by older children at the school makes it even more inspirational.
Friends and Family Concert: Our (now) Family Concert will take place on Friday March 5th. Please put your heads together as a family: it could be the simplest of piano duets, the most elaborate piece of chamber music, the funkiest family sing-song or the most mind-blowing rock band. Anything and everything is welcome!
To find out more, email music@westbournehouse.org.