A short but hugely busy term in the Performing Arts Centre began with a trip for Years 3 and 4 to Chichester Festival Theatre, where they were treated to a performance by Southern Pro Musica. This professional orchestra, directed by conductor and composer Jonathon Willcocks and featuring our own violin teacher Lis Peskett, returns to the theatre each year to perform for hundreds of school children from across West Sussex. In an interactive concert, the children are introduced to the instruments of the orchestra and take part in a mass choir performance, accompanied by the orchestra. Following a break due to Covid, it was great to see Southern Pro Musica back in action and the children had a wonderful time.
Back at school, the Music Scholars’ Concert featured all those pupils who hold a music award, from the very latest recipients to our three Year 8 scholars, Patrick, Shruti and Alexis. The evening featured music from Telemann and Purcell through to Abba and Einaudi and was a great showcase for the musical talent we have here at school, from the emerging to the accomplished, and the wide range of musical instruments pupils play. This annual event allows everyone to see the progress being made by our most talented youngsters as they continue their journey through the school.
A few weeks later and it was the turn of everyone to get involved at the Inter-Patrol Music Competition. The day began with the much-anticipated Year 3 Recorder Competition, where the whole year group performed pieces that they had been preparing for several weeks. Adjudicator Barbara Langford commented on some ‘absolutely lovely performances’. Later in the evening, each patrol was represented by three ensembles (Junior, Intermediate and Senior) and it was great to see our musicians giving their best to each performance, from piano duos to percussion groups, chamber quartets to blues bands. The patrol song competition was once again keenly fought, with the two songs – Petula Clark’s Downtown and The Monkees’ I’m a believer – proving very popular! Judged by Jason Marconi, Director of Music at Dorset House, it was to be Panthers who triumphed here, not only with some stellar singing, but also some creative choreography involving a darkened hall and fluorescent wands.
Half term provided a brief rest, but it was straight back to business afterwards for the Chapel Choir with a trip to give a Lunchtime Concert at Portsmouth Cathedral. An appreciative audience enjoyed the programme of sacred and secular works, with the choir very much taking advantage of the stunning acoustic in the cathedral. It was a real treat for the children to hear their voices carrying through the building. This was the choir’s first visit and the staff at the cathedral were very impressed and another opportunity looks likely in the future.
The following day was peppered with the sounds of Brazil as our world music workshops took place, led once again by Jim Bernadin. Marking the start of the Rio Carnival, Years 3-5 were treated to a workshop using authentic instruments, culminating in a brilliant performance for parents (and including parents!) at the end of the day. These workshops are always hugely popular with the children, so it was great to welcome Jim back.
Our two Performance Platforms provided a good opportunity for those instrumentalists and singers who were preparing for exams, or had simply been working hard on a particular piece, to perform to a small but appreciative audience. There were particularly impressive performances from Freddie (guitar) with Powlesland’s Pirates, Hebe (flute) with Arrieu’s tricky Allegro Moderato. Kiana (violin) played Faure’s famous Berceuse beautifully. The new lighting in the performance space is also a hit!
The beginning of March saw our music teachers Alex Dichmont and Richard Allum take to the stage in a performance of music for two pianos. Featuring works by Mozart, Poulenc, Holst, Rachmaninov and Milhaud, this was an evening of stunning music with wine and canapes during the interval. It also provided an opportunity for the unveiling of the music classroom as ‘The Honor Uloth Room’, in memory of talented OW Honor, who tragically passed away aged 19. It was lovely to welcome back so many past parents to this event, with all proceeds from the evening being used to facilitate an exciting itinerary on the Chapel Choir’s tour to Rome.
On Friday 3 March, 15 musicians from the Year 8 band Moto Moto and the Rock Club band Sweet Band O’ Mine took part in the Ovation Rock Show at the Minerva Theatre. Ovation is a local organisation dedicated to giving young players the opportunity to work together in bands and perform in various concerts. We were fortunate to secure guest spots at their show.
Sweet Band O’ Mine played in the first half, tearing into an energetic rendition of Can’t Explain by The Who, followed by Rockin’ In The Free World by Neil Young which really engaged the audience. Moto Moto were on in the second half, opening with a lovely grooving version of Billie Jean by Michael Jackson and then lifting the roof off with Bon Jovi’s Living On A Prayer. Both bands really raised their game and played well, responding to the excitement of performing in such a great space with professional sound and lighting.
The Maurice Ellis Music Scholarship auditions took place earlier this month, which saw some talented Year 2 and Year 3 pupils performing on various instruments. We were very pleased to award the Scholarship to Annabel in Year 2, with various pupils being the recipients of other awards. Well done to all of those who entered the process!
Congratulations to those who took music exams this term. A particular well done to those who gained distinctions:
Bella - Initial Violin
Daisy - Initial Viola
Freddie - Grade 1 Trumpet
Maya - Grade 1 Singing
Rufus - Grade 3 Singing
Cynthia - Grade 3 Singing
Shruti - Grade 4 Trombone
The Chapel Choir rounded off the term with a wonderful concert in the spectacular Boxgrove Priory. Previewing their programme for the forthcoming tour to Rome, it featured music by Giulio Caccini, Howard Goodall and Andrew Lloyd Webber to name but a few. The choir will be in Rome during the first week of the Easter holiday, performing at two city churches and singing for Mass at St Peter’s Basilica, alongside enjoying tours of the Colosseum, Castel S’Angelo and numerous other historical sights. Check out the school’s social media accounts for updates!
Next term looks set to be just as busy in the Performing Arts Centre, with some notable events listed below:
Thursday 4th May - 6.30pm | Y7 Fawlty Towers Restaurant Experience | Millennium Hall |
Tuesday 23rd May - all day | Y3-8 Inter-Patrol Instrumental Music Competition | Various venues |
Thursday 25th May - 6.00pm | Y3 Production | Millennium Hall |
Tuesday 13th June - 8.45am | 2SLo Instrumental Concert | Honor Uloth Room |
Wednesday 14th June - 8.45am | 2ETe Instrumental Concert | Honor Uloth Room |
Thursday 15th June - 7.00pm | Rock ‘n Pop Concert | Millennium Hall |
Friday 16th June - 6.30pm | Summer Performance Platform | Honor Uloth Room |
Tuesday 20th June - all day | Trinity Music Exams | Honor Uloth Room |
Monday 26th June - all day | ABRSM Music Exams | Honor Uloth Room |
Wednesday 28th June - 6.30pm | Mrs Rowe’s Piano Concert | Honor Uloth Room |
Friday 20th June - 4.45pm | Y6 Concert | Millennium Hall |
Saturday 1st July -11.30am | Leavers’ Service | Millennium Hall |
Wednesday 5th July - 6.30pm | Y8 Musical – Guys and Dolls | Millennium Hall |
Thursday 6th July - 6.30pm | School Concert | Millennium Hall |