The last few weeks have seen a plethora of musical events taking place, with almost every child taking part in one way or another.
Pupils is Year 2 performed admirably at their class concerts, which featured all children playing a piece on the recorder, along with some solos from children learning other instruments. The skills required to master the recorder shouldn’t be underestimated, and
the children have worked hard over the course of the year. Well done to all!
This half term’s Informal Concert featured some great performances, including some by pupils preparing for their music exams. Highlights included Oscar T playing Ragtime
Razzle on the recorder and James M playing Spring Song on the violin.
Mrs Brereton’s Flute Concert was once again a lovely occasion, with solos, duets, trios and more. From the very beginner to the most advanced, there were some splendid performances and the warmth of the relationship between pupils and teacher really shone through.
Year 6 were out in force at their annual concert at the end of June. A massed performance of Michael Hurd’s jazz cantata Jonah-Man Jazz is always a crowd-pleaser, and the two percussion pieces, Waltz Espana and the world premiere performance of our own Mr Berkeley’s Blues Cruise were a hit with parents and pupils alike!
The smell of doughnuts is always a good indicator that Mrs Rowe’s Piano Concert is imminent! This term saw some exceptional performances, notably from Jack W, who
leaves us this year to move to Charterhouse with a music exhibition. Well done to all those who played, and keep the practice up over the summer!
The Leavers’ Service never fails to move people to tears, and this year was no exception. The Chapel Choir were joined by staff and parents, providing a thrilling sound in pieces
such as Stanford’s Te Deum in B flat. Thank you to all those parents who joined the choir for this service.
Lastly, the School Concert was undoubtedly a highlight of the year. Music from The Greatest Showman featured prominently, performed by the Senior Choir and Drum Group. The Chapel Choir took to the stage once again to perform Sing! by Gary Barlow, along with The Wide Missouri featuring Hannah C playing a beautiful flute descant, and the very impressive round The Girl that I Love. The Junior Choir were on fine form with three songs from Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, and the First Orchestra performed excerpts from Carnival of the Animals brilliantly, with a stunning xylophone solo from Josh B. There were also a number of impressive solo performances, including Francesca A performing Sarabande by Bohm on the violin and Hattie W reprising her singing competition winning performance of Burn, from the musical Hamilton, leaving everyone speechless! Congratulations to all involved for a stunning evening of music!