New school charities announced

This term we have voted for and chosen three new charities that we will support over the next two years. Parents and staff nominated charities in September, the Charity Committee voted to narrow down the choices and the final vote was given to the Prep School children.

“As always, I was really impressed with the maturity of the Prep School children, who listened carefully to the options before choosing,” commented Helen Barker, who heads up the charity committee.

They chose to support the following charities over the next two years:

  • Local Charity
    Terry’s Place - a local charity that cares for older people in our community and their families.
  • Environmental Charity
    Surfers Against Sewage - a charity dedicated to protecting our oceans and beaches.
  • International Charity
    Thembalitsha Foundation - a charity in South Africa that helps marginalised communities in the Western and Eastern Cape.
  • Plus the Westbourne House Bursary Fund for local children who have strong potential in academics, music or sport but who would otherwise not have access to a Westbourne House School education.

 We look forward to the next two years of fundraising and support. The first big event will be The Big Month In, which takes place in February…watch this space!