Nursery children drive a tractor

What a brilliant experience of 'driving' the tractor! Look at those smiles!

Thank you to Mr Geffen, who works in our grounds and sports teams, for making the Nursery children's day by taking the tractor to visit. They loved sitting up high, wiggling the gear stick and driving along. The children were wonderfully observant and curious about how it all worked and Mr Geffen had a lot of questions to answer about the size of tyres, the engine, grass cutting machinery and the controls.

Mrs Watson, Head of Nursery, said: "Sitting and 'driving' the tractor was such fun. They spontaneously burst into song... 'The wheels on the tractor go round and round!"

Nursery Tractor
Nursery Tractor
Nursery Tractor
Nursery Tractor
Nursery Tractor
Nursery Tractor
Nursery Tractor
Nursery Tractor
Nursery Tractor
Nursery Tractor