How shall we get there? Let's go by boat! The children in our Nursery had a morning with Christina Handasyde Dick (formerly Bassadone), who sailed in the 2004 and 2008 Olympics and is the mother of one of our nursery children. It was the perfect introduction to boats in the children's current topic ‘How shall we get there?’.
Mrs Watson, Head of Nursery, said: "We learnt how to keep safe on board a sailing boat, to duck under the sails if they are moving about, to always have one hand on the boat in case a wave comes, how to look out for other ships, and that a chart is always a good idea so that you know where you are going. We tried on life jackets and learnt that you wear one when travelling on a sailing boat to keep you safe, a bit like wearing a seatbelt in a car."
The children sang A Sailor Went to Sea and had a whale of time!