Online safety

Online safety and cyber security is a constant concern for parents and school staff. The links below give access to up-to-date advice for parents on how to keep children safe whilst online at home.

Christmas is nearly upon us and undoubtedly some children will receive new devices.  Please be vigilant when allowing your child access to the internet. Security and privacy controls need to be updated and checked regularly be it on a new device, a phone handed down or a new Internet Hub. Parents should consider using parental controls on all devices.

Westbourne House has a comprehensive web-filtering package that protects and covers any registered device, such as laptops, whilst being used through the school WiFi.

In addition, staff are trained in cyber security from the National Centre for Cyber Security (HMG).

The school have been using the following organisations to support to digital skills lessons, and both have very good advice for parents.      

Other useful links include:

You can also find lots of useful information on apps, video games and more on the Teen Tips Wellbeing Hub, a benefit to which every parent at Westbourne House has access.

If you would like further information on our school's Safeguarding Policy, please visit our Policy page.