Marvellous Mother's Day in the Pre-Prep
The Pre-Prep children loved having the opportunity to have mums at school for Marvellous Mother's Monday.
Mrs Oglethorpe said “It was wonderful to see so many smiley faces today. There was such a buzz of energy and enthusiasm around the school as mums and children enjoyed all the different activities. The children loved the one-to-one time with their mummies and were thrilled to spoil them for the afternoon!”
In Reception the children decorated and iced biscuits with their friends and mums. Year 1 mums were invited to their very own spa, where the children pampered them with massages, hair styling and nail painting. Year 2 children braved the elements and invented games for their mums to take part in at Forest School.
Thank you to all the mums who were able to come along - it was a great opportunity for the children to show you quite how much they love you.
Mother's Day Celebration Lunch
Thank you to everyone who joined us for the special Mother's Day celebration lunch in the Prep School.
Mrs Barker, head of the charity committee, said: “It was lovely to see so many mums and families here for our Mother’s Day lunch. It was a wonderful occasion and many parents commented how much they enjoyed experiencing lunchtime at school.
“The catering team produced their usual array of deliciousness and one of the parents commented that the extensive choices made her feel like she was on a cruise ship: roast lamb, dhal curry, pasta bolognaise, soup, plus a large choice of salads and desserts! Thank you to everyone who supported this lunch to raise funds for our school charities.”