Pelican Cup champions

Westbourne House School take home the cup in Brighton College's Pelican Cup cricket tournament

"Our Under 10A girls' cricket team went to Brighton College for the Pelican Cup and not only won the tournament but won every single game they played throughout the day with some impressive cricket. 

"They were absolute champions both on and off the pitch, with beautiful manners throughout and super teamwork." 

Clare Smith, Team Coach

The U10A cricket team played Broomwood, Brighton College and Thomas's Battersea in their first three matches. When batting, the girls played some impressive shots, including two 6s; they held their nerve and even managed two games with no lost wickets! When fielding the girls sent the opposition’s wickets flying with impressive bowling. There were also many run-outs through tight fielding and teamwork, and some great catches. In their final against Brighton College, they managed fours off every over and no wickets lost.

The team came home with the fabulous cup, medals and Go Ape vouchers. Well done, girls!

Westbourne House U10A girls cricket team won the Pelican Cup and show trophy
U10A girls cricket team with their coach Clare Smith