Penguins and Titanic

There is nothing like a penguin dance to keep warm - as Sir David Attenborough knows – and during their assembly our Year 2 pupils showed us how it’s done!

Their penguin dance, which even included some of their own choreography, celebrated the polar animals the children in Year 2 have been learning about.

“We have learned many facts about many polar animals this term but we have also learned that the planet is heating up. Even though we are small, we can make a BIG difference to the world!” the children told their parents in the audience.

The children began their assembly by telling the much-loved Snail and the Whale story by Julia Donaldson. Darcy said: “Even though the snail is tiny and feels very small in our huge wide world, when she believes in herself, she conquers her fears and saves the life of the huge whale. Little things can still have a huge impact on the big, wide world!”

Year 2 has been immersed in Fire and Ice for their topic this half of term, which culminated in the story of the Titanic and a trip to the SeaCity Museum in Southampton. 

The children had a fantastic tour of the museum, where they were able to steer the ship, load the furnaces, and practise their Morse code skills! The children loved the interactive workshop where they handled historical objects, tried a scientific experiment to see how the ship sank, chose who to save in the lifeboats and dressed up in period costume. Mila said “ My favourite part was the water and ice experiment to see how the ship sank.”