Pre-Prep Sports Day

Sports day is one of the highlights of the year for the children in the Pre-Prep. As soon as the white lines are painted and the coloured t-shirts are collected in, the excitement begins. This year was no exception and the children were very keen for the day to arrive.

Friday 21st June was a beautiful sunny day and after all the rain we had had during the week we were thrilled to see blue skies.

Our youngest children had a great time taking part in the Early Years Sports Day. They took part in team games such as the now famous ‘fish and chip’ race as well as trying their hardest in flat races such as running and egg and spoon. We were all very proud of their efforts and how lucky we were to have glorious sunshine for this event.

The afternoon began with a selection of individual and team sporting events for Years 1 and 2. All the children were very keen to do their best in each event; the concentration and hard work by each child was clearly seen. There was a lot of cheering and clapping, making it a wonderful occasion enjoyed by all. At the end, the parents had the opportunity to join in, competing in an egg and spoon challenge.

We can’t wait for next year!

Sports Day
Sports Day
Sports Day