Pre-Prep Sports Days

As soon as the white lines are painted and the coloured shirts are out, our children in Pre-Prep start getting very excited about Sports Day.

Glorious sunshine stayed with us for both sporting events - Early Years in the morning and Years 1 and 2 in the afternoon, with family picnics sandwiched in the middle. As ever, there was an array of challenges.  For the Nursery and Reception children, the events included the water relay, egg and spoon, football goal kick and beanbag on head running race!  Years 1 and 2 tackled everyone's favourite the egg and spoon, mini-hurdles, the water relay, running relay, the 'over and under' ball relay and sprints.

Well done to all our Pre Prep pupils for trying your best and to all our parents for cheering and clapping so loudly and making it such a special day for us all.

DE Photo were on hand to take photos - parents may enjoy heading to DE to see the results (see email for details)!