We were very lucky to be visited several times by professional cricketer, Mahesh Rawat. A former India A and Rajahstan Royals batsman and wicket keeper, Mahesh is the overseas professional currently playing at Middleton Cricket Club.
He spent his first morning at school coaching the Year 5 girls, Year 6 boys and girls at break time nets and Year 7 boys and girls.
Mahesh said: “It was my privilege to work in an outstanding atmosphere with such a talented bunch of players.
“I am really thankful to Westbourne House School for giving me this opportunity.”
Josh in Year 6 said: “He was very positive and his knowledge was amazing. It was great to have a legend at our school.”
Year 7 pupil Fergus said: “It was really good as he is a professional and he made us think about technique and how to field better.”
“It was really good fun and now I can my hold my bat better and it will be much easier to play a forward defence shot.”
Year 5 pupil Evie