Reflecting on careers during lockdown

During lockdown, many people have reassessed their careers and asked themselves the big questions about what matters to them in life and whether their job is the one for them. 

Here, staff at Westbourne House School, both teachers and office staff, describe what gets them out of bed in the morning and gives us insight into motivations and values and the benefits of life in the Westbourne community.

Read the unabridged messages from staff.

It is a job that emphasises the development of the whole child, not just academic and artistic achievement; and that is something that is very important to me."

Richard Tyrell, English and Drama teacher

“The school has also provided me with opportunity for advancement and during my tenure I have been the ICT Co-ordinator for the Pre-Prep, the Year 1 lead, as well as the Director of Studies and Deputy Head of Pre-Prep.  With the right attitude and dedication, all things are possible." Caroline Oglethorpe, Head of Pre-Prep

I love the mix of traditional customs and values and the possibility of moving forward. This can only happen with super children, a cohesive team of colleagues and supportive parents. The biggest thrill I get is meeting Old Westbournians and sharing precious memories with them.”

Tim Pitman, Head of Social, Moral, Spiritual and Cultural Education

"It’s a very rewarding job but made more complete by the community at Westbourne House: the staff room, the pupils and the parent body all make for a great place to work.” Brandon Hanley, Sports teacher

Working with children is the best job in the world, their spontaneity and sense of fun make every day varied and so entertaining. Ours are keen to learn and kind."

Fabienne Bennison, French teacher

“The pupils assume they are going to learn in each lesson and this only comes when there is a whole school expectation of hard work in lessons and good discipline across the whole school from all teachers.  We have beautiful grounds with lovely trees and birdsong as you stroll around the school. We have a steady and honest Head who is reflective and cares about individuals and last, but not least, we have a delicious lunch every day.”   Barbara Langford, Deputy Head Academic and Head of Maths

The holistic approach to education at Westbourne House means that teachers play many roles: classroom teachers, personal tutors, sports coaches and mentors. Every day is different and rewarding.”

Alice Fisher, Head of English

I've worked at Westbourne House School for nearly four years now and I enjoy it very much. I get to meet the children on the bus every morning and have a chat or a singsong on the way to school. I also help out in the Pre-Prep with children aged three to five, doing various different jobs. I really enjoy the interactive fun at play time with the children. The school is a very, caring, fun place to work.” Jakki Hunking, minibus driver and support staff

The best part of my job is the interaction that I have with the pupils and parents.  Having been a parent myself, going through the same experiences, I am happy to share my knowledge to help our parents’ journey through their time here and as well as their children’s move on to senior school.”

Vicky Eismark, PA to the Headmaster