Remembrance Day 2023

Our pupils and staff gathered outside the pillars of Main House to mark Remembrance Day together as a school.

Mr Barker told the children: "The reason that we are gathering on this particular day, as we approach the 11th hour, of - this year - the 10th day (as the 11th falls on Saturday), of the 11th month is because this is the time and date that saw the end of the First World War in 1918, in which tens of millions of lives were lost.

"Wars have continued across the world ever since that time and, sadly, we continue to witness the many tragedies which come as a result of such actions with the current conflicts in Ukraine and also across Israel and Palestine.

"And so, we honour, by way of being here, standing silently and wearing poppies, the servicemen and women who have given, and continue to give, their lives so that we may continue to live our lives freely and safely."


Harmony of Remembrance: A Year 8 pupil plays the solemn notes of the trumpet - a poignant tribute on Remembrance Day. 

Throughout Remembrance Week, our students actively engaged in Learning for Life (L4L) activities during their form time, emphasising the significance of reflection and remembrance for those who bravely fought in the war.

Quiet reflections, timeless honor
Quiet reflections, timeless honor
Quiet reflections, timeless honor
Quiet reflections, timeless honor