School Fete raises £5,500 for our charities

Congratulations to parents, children and staff on an amazing fete!

Without doubt, the success of the Westbourne House fete relies heavily on collaboration between parents, children and staff. The majority of the stalls are invented and run by the children and we also have a good number of stalls run by very enthusiastic parents and staff. We are not going to attempt to name all 60 of them, suffice to say it is a huge team effort! 

Huge thanks to all those parents that contributed to the Westbourne Produce Stall, a new initiative this year, and also to everyone that contributed to the fabulous fete boxes, which are amazing raffle prizes, and help us sell lots of tickets.

 We managed to raise a total £5,500 in two hours for our school charities.

It was such a charming event and I loved that it really is run by all the children. I loved walking around and seeing what delights were in offer.  I love the energy that oozed out with all their enthusiasm and hard work.

Westbourne Parent