Sports round-up December 2023

Boys' report

by Brandon Hanley, Head of Boys' Sport

It has been a really busy last six weeks with the boys completing their football season, ending with an inter-patrol competition for all age groups, before moving over to rugby.

The last few football matches saw some really good performances. The U9s continued a really successful season with some good results over St Edmund’s school. The U11s continued their very impressive football season as a year group with victory in the Pelican Cup football tournament at Brighton College. The 1st XI finished their season with a nice victory against a touring side from Bedales school.

The inter-patrol events were hotly contested this year, with some really good football played across the board. Congratulations go to Otters as the junior winners, Owls as the intermediate winners and Tigers as the winners of the senior event. Every boy played their part and contributed to their patrols so well done to you all.

The rugby season has started well for most teams; unfortunately the U8s and U9s have had both their matches cancelled due to bad weather, so we eagerly look forward to their first run outs after Christmas.

In Years 5 & 6 we have some excellent rugby players and real depth in each age group and both the U11 and U10 teams have enjoyed a really pleasing start to the term. The U10s have only lost one match between them so far and that was when our U10C team stepped up to play Brighton College U10B team. A special mention should go to the U10B team for a well earned draw with the Hurstpierpoint U10As last week. The U11s continue to go from strength to strength with a victories for the U11A’ at the IAPS rugby at Brighton College and the Hurstpierpoint tournament, while an A/B team also managed to win the Worth tournament. Finding all these teams competitive matches has been tricky so far!

The senior teams, Years 7 & 8, have been hit by the absence of some important players but have made huge progress in a short period of time. Our U13A team has been up against some very strong competition but their on-field attitude has been amazing. A good win against Highfield has been the best result but plenty of positives to take from every game. The U12As secured a good win against Seaford at the start season and a well-earned draw away at Brighton. The U12Bs won convincingly against St Chistopher’s and also managed a draw away to Brighton.

One of the most successful teams in the school to date, in terms of results, is our U12/13 tag team, who at the time of writing have played 10 matches, including little tournaments, winning all 10! A brilliant effort by those boys.

The rugby season is half way though, with some exciting matches coming up after Christmas.

A special mention should go to Oliver F, Felix T and Juan R who all receive their rugby colours. Juan is returning to Spain after a term with us and has made quite the impression on the sports field. We wish him all the best.

Girls' report

by Clare Lane, Head of Girls' Sport

What a term of sport! The girls have competed in a U8-U13 swimming gala, one IAPS final, four cross country events, 11 tournaments and 131 netball and hockey fixtures. It has been busy and exciting with all girls making huge progress across all our sports. They have made the most out of their sporting opportunities, which have provided physical benefits as well as opportunities for personal growth, teamwork and skill development. The commitment and enthusiasm of the girls has been evident as well as the tremendous support they have all received from their coaches, family and friends. 

The U12A team who participated in the U12 hockey IAPS final stepped up to the challenge and their hard work in training paid off; they came home with a second place medal from the bowl competition, a memory I am sure they will keep with them for years to come. Mr Hanley went with the team to Clifton College and said: "Going to these tournaments is always a tough affair and this year was no different. We had a very strong group but some really enjoyable games of hockey. After a win and a draw in the group games, we qualified through to the Bowl competition. We made some good progress throughout the day but it was at this point when we started to peak. We won the quarter final in extra time, we won the semi-final 2-0 but then unfortunately lost 2-1 in the final to Belmont School. It was a brilliant effort from the girls who got better and better as the day went on. What was really pleasing was how their team spirit never faded, even when we had our backs against the wall in the early group matches. Other Westbourne teams could learn a lot from this group about attitude and resilience. Well done, girls!”

It has been lovely celebrating the girl’s success in teams and as individuals. Congratulations to the girls on their achievements with special mention to the U10B and U10C teams, who were undefeated in their netball season. 

Next term, the sports rotate with those who have played netball moving to hockey and visa versa. There will also be a short football season after the February half term, which we all look forward to. 

What I love about sport at Westbourne House is its inclusivity and emphasis on good sporting behaviour.  I have been pleased to see all our teams demonstrating this good sporting spirit in gracious losses and humble wins.