Sports round-up July 2024

A round-up of summer term sport from Mr Hanley and Miss Lane.

Girls' Sport

What a fantastic half term to end a brilliant year of sport at Westbourne House School for the girls! Despite the bad weather, plenty of cricket was played, showcasing the resilience and enthusiasm of our students.

The U10A team had an outstanding season, remaining unbeaten throughout. Their dedication and teamwork were evident in every match, and they deserve immense credit for their achievements.

Half term was brief but transformative; the cricket skills of our players suddenly excelled. The 3rd team, in particular, displayed a lot of confidence in their hardball cricket, which bodes well for next season. Their progress is a testament to the hard work put in by both the students and their coaches.

As the year comes to a close, it is important to recognise the high level of commitment shown by the students and coaches alike. Congratulations to everyone on a year well done. We look forward to seeing them showcase their skills in their winter sports next term.

Boys' Sport

The second half of term has flown by and a huge amount was squeezed in. From cricket matches to sports days, tennis matches to golf matches and National swimming finals to National Athletic finals. As a school we have really done a lot and achieved a huge amount!

The cricket season has been a great success on the boys’ front, winning a healthy 75% of our fixtures. Special mentions go to the 1st XI and U11A teams as they finished the season with only one loss each, but the U10Bs were the team of the season. Mr Summerhays continues his tremendous run as they finished with an impressive 9 wins from 9!

A highlight for the 1st XI are our matches against The South African touring teams and this year we were fortunate enough to have two: Cornwall Hill from Pretoria and Thomas More College from KwaZulu Natal. They are always really tough opposition but we managed to record two wins this year, with player of the match performances from Willow L, Xander B and Ben E.

I would like to congratulate a large number of children who represented the school in National finals this half of term. An amazing achievement to get there!

Firstly in swimming:More recently in athletics:
  • Willow L
  • Valentina R
  • Coco R
  • Marissa E
  • Hetty B
  • Max M
  • George H
  • Charlie LS
  • Henry M
  • Loftus S
  • Arlo K
  • Immy F
  • Rocco M
  • Teddy HN
  • Digby M
  • Freddie W
  • Oliver O
  • Hebe S
  • Hazel B
  • Lily-Rose N
  • Rory O’C
  • Charlie L-S
  • Alastair K
  • Henry M

Extra special mentions go to Hetty B who finished second in the girls’ hurdles and then to Val R and Loftus S who won their events, making them national champions in the High Jump and Discus respectively.

The Summer Term is our last opportunity to recognise the efforts of our more elite performers with colours and many were given out in the latter part of this term:

Racquets Colours:Athletics Colours:Cricket Colours:
  • Ben E
  • Marissa E
  • Nicolas DRH
  • Sam K
  • Logan L
  • Willow L
  • Oliver A
  • Marissa E
  • Oliver F
  • Arlo K
  • Willow L
  • Oscar P
  • Valentina R
  • Felix T
  • Oliver A
  • Xander B
  • Oliver F
  • Oscar P
  • Xander R
  • Felix T
  • Marissa E
  • Nelly G
  • Willow L

Following these colours, it gave us great pleasure to award the following children their 4 colour (girls) and 5 colour (boys) ties:

  • Oliver A – Football, Rugby, Hockey, Cricket, Athletics
  • Marissa E – Netball, Hockey, Cricket, Athletics, Racquets, Swimming (all sports)
  • Oliver F – Football, Rugby, Hockey, Cricket, Athletics
  • Willow L – Netball, Hockey, Cricket Athletics, Racquets, Swimming (all sports)
  • Oscar P – Football, Rugby, Cricket, Athletics, Swimming
  • Felix T – Football, Rugby, Hockey, Athletics, Swimming

What fantastic all-round sports men and women. Well done to them all.

Finally, we wish our Year 8 leavers the very best of luck in their new schools, new teams, and with their new-found skills. We hope that they have enjoyed their time here with us and are confident they will continue to progress and excel in their chosen sports at their new schools.