Please help us raise money for our charities by supporting The Big Month In this February by getting together with friends and family and asking for small donations in return for inviting them to a fun event.
Events that have happened or are planned include:
- Sophie Gooley organised a Bagels and Bloody Mary coffee morning - thank you!
- Lorna, Ashton and Nathan Smith organised a book sale that raised £235 - thank you!
- Tegan Lyne is cutting her very long hair, and asking for sponsorship for The Big Month In. Additionally, she is donating her hair to the Little Princess Trust. Thank you!
- Year 3 and 4 have organised a cake sale. Thank you!
- There will also be a movie night - keep your eyes out for the date after half term.
- Tom Bosley supported the Big Month In by asking for donations in lieu of birthday presents. WOW - thank you.
Here are some ideas that have been successful in the past:
- Big Month Breakfast - host a breakfast after drop-off
- Big Dog Walk - get together with your BFFs for coffee and a dog walk. (Feel free to invite your human friends as well!)
- Movie/Pizza Night - organise a fun evening with popcorn and drinks
- Kids' Party - lay on an event for children
- Sleepover - have some children over for a sleepover
- Helping Hands - the children might offer to help with chores round the house or even cook a family meal for a few pennies!
Some other ideas:
Sunday lunch, a curry night, afternoon tea and cakes, safari dinner party, cycle ride - the possibilities are endless!
Let’s get the Westbourne community together and raise some funds for people in need.
Over the next two year we are raising much needed funds for the following charities as voted for by the pupils:
Chichester Down Syndrome Support Group:
Provides support to local children with Down’s Syndrome, as well as their families, in the Chichester and Arun districts of West Sussex. The group offers a large range of activities as well as providing funding for private speech and language therapy.
Team Unlimbited:
Prints 3D hands for children who were born without them. They share their designs nationally and internationally and work on developing and improving the devices that are on offer.
Sausage Tree Charity:
Raising funds to advance the education and well-being of children in the Luangwa Valley, Zambia.
Westbourne House Bursary Fund:
For local children who have strong potential in academics, music or sport, but who otherwise would not have access to a Westbourne education.