Swimming showcase and gala

Our Pre-Prep pupils showed off their swimming prowess to parents at the Year 1 Swimming Showcase and Year 2 Swimming Gala

"The Year 1 Swimming Showcase was exactly that... a chance for the children to show their parents everything they've learnt so far in their swimming lessons this year," explained Head of Pre-Prep Caroline Oglethorpe. And what a lot of progress Year 1 have made!

We saw... jumping in, diving down to pick up a hoop, swimming a width in front crawl, back crawl and breast stroke... and a seahorse relay race! It was a lot of fun and everyone swam with great and growing technique.

Mrs Howley their swimming teacher, who leads the swimming team, looked on with pride. It was especially poignant as it was her last Year 1 gala. We are all going to miss Mrs Howley so much!

Pupils smile their way through Year 2 Swimming Gala

The children shone in their  gala, confidently swimming full lengths or 3/4 lengths in three strokes, plus some fun showcasing of skills learnt this year.

"It's about celebrating the progress of each and every child," said Mrs Oglethorpe, Head of Pre-Prep.

Well done to the inaugural winner of the Howley Cup for Swimming Achievement. This young swimmer won it for his resilience and fantastic progress over time in the Pre-Prep. Thank you to Mrs Howley, who retired at the end of the summer term, for giving the Pre-Prep this special trophy.