Talents abound at Year 5 and 6 variety show

Phoebe writes about the talent show she organised with her friend Tilly:

On the 3rd of July, Years 5 and 6 had a brilliant talent show with lots of really incredible acts. The winners this year were Isabelle Aston and Jemima Whitehead singing Riptide by Vance Joy, whilst playing the piano as a duet; it was really impressive multitasking. The runner up was Annabel Dodd singing Never Enough from The Greatest Showman. We had some awesome judges including head judge Mr Sutcliffe, Mrs low, Mr Allingham, Mrs Pollock and Mr Brown, who did fantastic scoring. We had 20 acts performing and everyone did extremely well, scoring very high scores  Isabelle and Jemima scored 37/40.

We had a great variety of acts ranging from singing to Fortnite dances. I would like to thank everyone that participated in the talent show and all the children in Years 5 and 6 that didn’t enter but clapped really enthusiastically and were a great audience; it was awesome.

Thank you so much to Tilly who had helped me put it all together; I coudn’t have done it with out her.

Thank you all Year 5 and 6s who were also very sportive at the idea. I hope everyone enjoyed it.