Thank you to our pupils who volunteered for our school councils both in the Prep School and our Pre-Prep School.
After the final Prep School meeting, we caught up with one of the councillors.
"We take the ideas of our year group about how we can make the school better to the school council meetings. We then discuss the ideas and it is brilliant when we can go back and say that something is changing for the better. For example, this term someone suggested that it would be good to have football goals for playtime. We asked for this at school council, the idea was agreed, and now the goals are out there on the field and everyone is using them in playtimes. It makes me happy to see."
Isaac, School Councillor 2021-22
At the final meeting in the Pre-Prep, the current representatives were asked to reflect on the past year and think carefully about their contributions to the school community. They thought about the characteristics you need to be a good school councillor and wrote down their thoughts in speech bubbles. Their thoughts will be shared with the Pre-Prep children at the start of the new academic year in September. Pupils will then get a chance to vote for a new set of councillors for the Christmas Term.
Mrs Rich, who oversees the school council in the Pre-Prep, said: “Having a school council means that children can voice their opinions and make a difference to our school. Pupils on the school council not only listen to their peers for suggestions on how to improve diverse aspects of the school, but also promote initiatives generated through discussions at their meetings. In the Pre-Prep there are representatives from Reception to Year 2."
"If you are elected as a school councillor, you are the pupil’s voice and have an important role to play in making our school a happy, safe and better place. Well done and thank you to our current school council! You have been good listeners, respectful of the views of others, confident in your own ideas and a great asset to the school."
Mrs Rich