Year 2 has been immersed in Water Worlds for their topic this half of term, which culminated in the story of the Titanic. This year, in lieu of a trip to Southampton, SeaCity Museum came to Westbourne House on Zoom, which the children adored.
Mrs Lovejoy said: "We aim to enrich our classroom learning with trips to museums and so we were keen to run the visit to SeaCity Museum virtually not only so the children could hear more about the Titanic from two wonderfully enthusiastic experts, but also to keep the learning on Zoom varied. The virtual visit to SeaCity did bring the story to life for the children with interactive questions, artefacts and stories and I hope that when we are free to visit museums once again, the children will want to visit SeaCity with their families."
So what did the children think about it?
"The two people were really interesting and I loved learning about the Morse code and how important it is." Atty
Val said: “I really liked learning about the Titanic especially all the stories about the people that were on there - that was very epic!”
"Harry has loved the Titantic project the most out of all school topics so far. The online museum visit was a highlight. It was really interactive and interesting. He doesn’t think he’d rush to save his toothbrush in the same circumstances!" Harry's mum.
"Betty loved the part when the lady held up items and they had to guess what it was as well as the game of naming the parts of the Titanic. She also loved the stories." Betty's mum.
In Water Worlds, Year 2 have looked at the oceans of the world and life in the oceans. It has inspired writing, art, science and much independent fact finding and learning. You can get a feel for the topic, by looking at the work displayed on the wall in the photo below.
Mrs Lovejoy added: "The Year 2 children have really enjoyed this topic and produced some wonderful work. I have also been impressed with the variety of artwork that has been produced at home. Not everyone has the same equipment or media so the children produced some lovely, individual pieces."