Unique you

“Our something special day was a great opportunity to celebrate the uniqueness of each child in Reception.”

Mrs Lewis, Reception teacher

The children came to school wearing their favourite clothes. They made their own special sandwiches for snack time before scaling the school climbing wall. After sharing the story ‘A Superpower like Mine’ by Dr Ranj the children talked about their own superpowers.

climbing wall action from Reception children
climbing wall action from Reception children
climbing wall action from Reception children

Our children were asked to take photos of their friends and talk about why they enjoy spending time with each other. “They make me laugh!” “He likes building with me.” “We like the same games.” … were just some of the lovely reasons they gave.

taking photos of friends
taking photos of friends
taking photos of friends
taking photos of friends
taking photos of friends
taking photos of friends
taking photos of friends
taking photos of friends
taking photos of friends
taking photos of friends
taking photos of friends
taking photos of friends
taking photos of friends
taking photos of friends